6-28/10/2017 hyunnart studio
30 Contemporary Artists Explore What it Means to Be Tibetan Today
Published in conjunction with the exhibition Trascending Tibet organized by Trace Foundation March 14-April 12, 2015
Tibetan Art between past and present: Studies dedicated to Luciano Petech
Proceeding of the Conference held in Rome on November 3 2010
Edited by Elena De Rossi Filibeck
Supplemento N. 1 alla Rivista degli Studi Orientali Pisa | Roma / Fabrizio Serra Editore 2012
Pittura eloquente
Eloquent painting
I edizione, dicembre 2010
Alchemical fable by Alessandro Orlandi with illustrations by Livia Liverani
I Edizione Novembre 2006
Editrice Irradiazioni
The Root Stanzas of the Middle Way
The Mulamadhyamakakarika
Translate from the Tibetan by the Padmakara Translation Group